On this Labor Day I have watched commercial after commercial announce their annual Labor Day sales. The smell of bar-b-que is pervasive throughout my neighborhood. My mailbox has been crammed for the last week with sales papers from furniture stores and grocery stores and everything in between. I am wondering, where did we lose the point? Where and when did we lose the point of Labor Day.
I've not seen a story on CNN or Fox or msnbc about the labor movement of the 19th century that brought to light the cruel and unfair practices of the manufacturing and industrial systems of the time. I've not seen a parade to remind the nation of how far we have come.
What I have seen is people taking off work on Friday to make this a four day weekend. I've seen people flocking to stores to take advantage of the special low prices this weekend, I've seen and smelled the briskets, ribs and burgers on pits throughout America.
Just like voting rights for women, voting rights for African Americans, the end of segregation, abortion rights, and every other change of great significance, lives were lost for the labor cause.
So today, This Woman's Words celebrates Labor Day. I celebrate all who fought to bring the plight of unfair labor practices to the forefront. I pray for those still suffering, and I honor those who lost their lives so that others could benefit.
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